Our Home at Adderley

Our Home at Adderley Street, North Vancouver



Front view from Adderley St.

Front walk-up from car port

Back porch

This area connects the master bedroom to the kitchen and BBQ.

Back porch 2

Another view of back porch towards the kitchen

Front yard and front porch


courtyard off the back porch

with basketball hoop

Our old house on Heath in Coquitlam.

Backyard - Potential for a nice garden

Front porch

Studio and workshop

Looking from the backyard across to the house

Back patio and playing court

Back of the house

Looking up to the front porch

Saying good bye to our luxy Chrysler

and Hello Suzuki XL-7! Our new 4x4 7 passenger fun car.

We'll miss the 300M but we love the Suzuki as well.